
Friday, May 28, 2010

Mugilan's Message: New venue for the gathering will be announce today in Press Conference.

As we all are in right path and right fact... we will be always hit by a lot of issues and hurdles. The opponents are lack of bullets to hit us back so, again they try to hit us by using "Back Door". PWTC booking was cancelled after some internal politic influence by Abg Sam. In actual fact I was a bit worried if PWTC is sufficient to accommodate all the supporters. The support from MIC members and public are very good and encouraging. I'm expecting 20 - 30% extra from the amount of people we had estimated. We had found the place and tomorrow I will announce the venue officially. Please be patient and lets demonstrate to Dato Sri Samy Vellu we are strong on our decision and we will make this happen together as a family.


  1. Great Mugilan...
    Tharmam jeikkum...

    they can play politics to change the venue, but can't change people's mind.

  2. Great move Mugilan. Never give up hope. Visit each CWC member and go for motion of no confident against Samy. Learn from recent development from MCA. People are behind you.
